========= ElectrumX ========= A reimplementation of Electrum-Server for a future with bigger blocks. The current version is |release|. Source Code =========== The project is hosted on `GitHub `_. Please submit an issue on the `bug tracker `_ if you have found a bug or have a suggestion to improve the server. Authors and License =================== Neil Booth wrote the vast majority of the code; see :ref:`Authors`. Python version at least 3.8 is required. The code is released under the `MIT Licence `_. Getting Started =============== See :ref:`HOWTO`. There is a `Dockerfile`_ available . .. _installer: https://github.com/bauerj/electrumx-installer .. _Dockerfile: https://github.com/lukechilds/docker-electrumx Documentation ============= .. toctree:: features changelog HOWTO environment protocol peer_discovery rpc-interface architecture authors Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`